Keeping you posted on our big adventure into parenthood

Posts tagged “vacation

Have A Little Faith

So it’s been awhile. It’s been two years, to be precise. In some ways it seems like an eternity since I last posted, and in others it feels like just yesterday that Mason was potty training and we were waiting for Ben to start walking. Suffice to say Benjamin is moving freely now, and Mason, well he’s peeing like a champ. I’ll make no excuses for my hiatus. I needed a break from writing at that time in as many ways as I have so desperately, and somehow unknowingly, needed to return. I recently declared that, as 34 has been one of my favorite numbers since I was 5 years old, I am resolved to make my 34th year on this earth the best one yet. Getting back to writing is part of reaching that goal, so if you’re still reading this, thank you for your patience.

I won’t spend a whole lot of time discussing the past couple of years but if you know Kelly and me you know we’ve been traveling down quite a crazy road. There have been a number of really difficult lessons learned along the way and we have both grown immensely. Our kids have also sprouted, as evidenced by the new blog banner. Look, life is freaking hard, and shit gets heavy sometimes. And, as cliché as it sounds, the world does not stop for any one of us. But I’m proud to say that we’re genuinely happy, and that the crazy road we were on led us to a pretty good place in the end… or middle… or wherever we are right now.

Where to start? How about this- the Cleveland Indians are back in the playoffs!! Thought you were getting an update on the boys huh? C’mon now! For anyone that lived in or near Cleveland in the 90’s you know what it’s like to cheer for a perennial contender, and you know how bad it’s hurt to watch that very same team trade away all its best talent for the past 10 years. Last year I discussed my outlook on the season with my buddy Imi and remarked that I’d be happy if they were relevant in September. They couldn’t quite hold on that long. This year, during a similar discussion, I went all-in somewhere back in late May. And in a lesson of faith, the Tribe rewarded us all with some post-season action. I don’t hold any grand delusions of a World Series victory, but I bet this team has a lot of people really nervous in Boston. Ok, sports rant over. On to some updates…

Mason Update: He’s now 4 years old, which means he’s really into school, sports, chicken fingers, and testing his limits. He’s really one of the sweetest and most considerate kids I have ever met, as long as his little brother Ben is not involved. Much like his mom and dad, he’s working on his patience. Having never known what it’s like to watch a child grow it’s really hard to comprehend how cool it is to see the evolution of their personality. It’s also somewhat terrifying to think of my level of influence on that evolution. How do you simultaneously remain a teacher, student, role model, friend, disciplinarian, coach, and champion? The word “parent” is absurdly insufficient. Fortunately I have a partner in crime to help me where I fall short and a whole slew of support from friends and family.

Back to Mason… he’s learning to write now, penning his name with some newfound authority while he struggles to remember all of those other letters. And he loves “tackle football”, which to him means throwing an Easter basket over his head and jumping on a mini football in our living room. He also likes watching the Bears games with me but he’s still working on cheering for the right team. At one point this past Sunday he told me “Daddy, I want the blue team to win!” Kelly and I calmly explained that those blue guys were Lions and Lions usually get eaten by Bears. Our apex predator logic may have been flawed and the game outcome certainly was not what we hoped for, but hopefully he got the point.

Ben Update: Our little man is not little at all. He’ll be 3 in December and he’s about the size of most 4 year olds. Dude is big, which makes it more impressive that Mason is still noticeably taller than him. Yes, I am allowed to be impressed by my own kids and then brag about it here. Ben is in the midst of potty training, which is not awesome considering his very strong-willed personality. But we will party like it’s 1999 when we no longer have to carry a diaper bag. Oh the freedom – the delicious, perfect freedom!! Remember the honey badger? Yeah, that’s pretty much Ben. He just doesn’t care and he will do what he wants. Good thing he has some parents who are willing to put a reality check on the madness. Despite his bullish approach to life he is a sweet little boy when he wants to be, and a really good hugger. Our weekend mornings usually begin with him singing in his room and he soon finds his way to our bed for a little cartoon and snuggling time while mommy and daddy try to shake the cobwebs off. In school he’s focused on being the life of the party when he’s not potty training and he’s quickly developed a love for finger painting. Our art collection has grown significantly since the boys started their new school about a month ago. Ben is also all boy. His obsession with trucks, trains, boats, and really any mode of transportation, is astounding. And he loves nothing more than smashing these various toys together or pushing them around the many rooms of our house.

That’s the quick and dirty for us. I’m not sure how to even approach pictures so I’ll just assume you’ve either seen us in person or on Facebook some time in the last 2 years and I’ll post some recent shots of the family. Cheers!

This is what you get when your children are well fed, well rested, and a professional photographer is taking the picture.

This is what you get when your children are well fed, well rested, and a professional photographer is taking the picture.

And this is what you get when I take a picture right before bed time. The strangest part of this one (to me) is that Mason only has on one sock.

And this is what you get when I take a picture right before bed time. The strangest part of this one (to me) is that Mason only has on one sock.

We did a bit of fishing this summer and Mason hooked his first bass a little while back. After catching a plastic bag and a bullfrog that tried to swallow the entire bobber he was very excited to reel in a fish... until I asked him to hold it.

We did a bit of fishing this summer and Mason hooked his first bass a little while back. After catching a plastic bag and a bullfrog that tried to swallow the entire bobber he was very excited to reel in a fish… until I asked him to hold it.

I don't know who Bruce Rauner is or how Mason ended up supporting him. Let's hope he runs a scandal-free campaign.

I don’t know who Bruce Rauner is or how Mason ended up supporting him. Let’s just hope he runs a scandal-free campaign.

The 4th of July parade meant lots of funny headgear and candy being tossed into the crowd. That reminds me, I have 2 huge bags of candy sitting in the garage right now.

The 4th of July parade meant lots of funny headgear and candy being tossed into the crowd. That reminds me, I have 2 huge bags of candy sitting in the garage right now.

This is my favorite Ben smile ever. It's the "look at me, I'm a big boy pedaling my bike" smile. It's pretty sweet.

This is my favorite Ben smile ever. It’s the “look at me, I’m a big boy pedaling my bike” smile. It’s pretty sweet.

This sequence is great because a) Mason is crushing that pinata with a metal bat and it's just not breaking b) Ben is so excited about candy that he almost gets crushed by the bat c) CANDY!!

Make sure you click on the actual image to get the full sequence. It’s great because a) Mason is crushing that pinata with a metal bat and it’s just not breaking b) Ben is so excited about candy that he almost gets crushed by the bat (honey badger don’t care) and c) CANDY!!

Fuzzy picture but oh well. The boys rode an insane number of roller-coasters, ponies, trains, and other thrill rides this summer. It's gotten to the point that they are bored with the standard kiddie rides. This is what you get when a carney tells you it's okay for your 4 year old to ride a 90 foot high drop tower and you agree. Kelly and I should be writing a book called "How to Raise a Thrill Junkie".
Fuzzy picture but oh well. The boys rode an insane number of roller-coasters, ponies, trains, and other thrill rides this summer. It’s gotten to the point that they are bored with the standard kiddie rides. This is what you get when a carney tells you it’s okay for your 4 year old to ride a 90 foot high drop tower and you agree. Kelly and I should be writing a book called “How to Raise a Thrill Junkie”.

Kelly dragged me along to the Bon Jovi concert in Chicago, and I ended up carrying her for several city blocks after the show ended thanks to a poor choice in footwear. You're probably thinking exactly what I was when I walked in... how many black people are there at a Bon Jovi concert? Not that many, but how am I supposed to call myself a Bears fan if I pass up an opportunity to visit Soldier Field?

Kelly brought me along to the Bon Jovi concert in Chicago, and I returned the favor by carrying her for several city blocks after the show ended thanks to a poor choice in footwear. You’re probably thinking exactly what I was when I walked in… how many black people are there at a Bon Jovi concert? Not that many, but how am I supposed to call myself a Bears fan if I pass up an opportunity to visit Soldier Field?



How did we get all of the kids to make silly faces but the three adults didn't quite catch on? Nice.

How did we get all of the kids to make silly faces but the three adults didn’t quite catch on? Nice.

We had a lot of family time over Labor Day weekend in North Carolina and all of the cousins got to mix it up for a few days. Pop Pop and MiMi also celebrated their 35 anniversary. Look- they're still smiling after 35 years!!

We had a lot of family time over Labor Day weekend in North Carolina and all of the cousins got to mix it up for a few days. Pop Pop and MiMi also celebrated their 35 anniversary. Look- they’re still smiling after 35 years!!

Oh yeah, we live in Chicago now. Well, technically in the north burbs but if you're in town give us a shout and save us from our crazy kids for a night! Or come on over and join the craziness!

Oh yeah – we live in Chicago now. Well, technically in the north burbs, but if you’re in town give us a shout and save us from our crazy kids for a night! Or come on over and join the craziness!

See you next time!

See you next time!